**Doors open at 9:30am

A Free Exploration of Technologies for Stage Managers
2020 - 2021 SM Tech Fridays Below
2022 SM Tech Monday, Click Here
2023 SM Tech Fridays, Click Here
2024 SM Tech Fridays, Click Here
(scroll down for complete list)
Replay Available:
3. Friday, April 17:
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for follow up answers to thoughts
raised in the chat,
from CallQ
Replay Available:
2. Friday, April 11:
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Replay Available:
4. Friday, April 24:
Stage Write
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Replay Available:
5. Friday, May 1:
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Replay Available:
6. Friday, May 8:
Clear-Com Agent IC
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Replay Available:
7. Friday, May 15:
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Replay Available:
9. Friday, May 29:
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Replay Available:
8. Friday, May 22:
Point Source Audio
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Replay Available:
10. Friday, June 5:
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Replay Available:
11. Friday, June 12:
Final Draft
w/ SM Learn
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Replay Available:
12. Friday, June 19:
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Replay Available:
13. Friday, June 26:
Filemaker #2
Run Sheets
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Replay Available:
15. Friday, July 10:
ETC Cue System
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Replay Available:
16. Friday, July 17:
Theatre In The Covid Era
Stage Manager Panel
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Replay Available:
17. Friday, July 24:
Digital Calling Desk
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Replay Available:
18. Friday, July 31:
Google Sites w/ SM Learn
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Replay Available:
19. Friday, August 7:
Spider-Man Technologies
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Replay Available:
20. Friday, August 14:
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Replay Available:
21. Friday, August 21:
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Replay Available:
22. Friday, August 28:
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Replay Available:
23. Friday, Sept. 4:
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Replay Available:
24. Friday, Sept. 11:
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Replay Available:
25. Friday, Sept. 18:
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Replay Available:
26. Friday, Sept. 25:
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Replay Available:
27. Friday, Oct. 9:
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Replay Available:
28. Friday, Oct. 16:
Election Work
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Replay Available:
29. Friday, Oct. 23:
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Replay Available:
30. Friday, Oct. 30:
Your Voice Matters
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Replay Available:
31. Friday, Nov. 13:
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Replay Available:
32. Friday, Dec. 11:
Walkable Plans
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Replay Available:
33. Friday, Jan. 8:
ShowTool SM
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Replay Available:
34. Friday, Jan. 15:
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Replay Available:
35. Friday, Jan. 29:
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Replay Available:
36. Friday, Feb. 12:
Stage Doc
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Replay Available:
37. Friday, Feb. 19:
Stream Deck
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Replay Available:
38. Friday, March19:
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Replay Available:
39. Friday, March 26:
Fade In
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Replay Available:
42. Friday, April 30:
Stage Write #2
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Replay Available:
43. Friday, May 7:
Cue to Cue #2 &
Baeredygtig Scenekuntst
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Replay Available:
44. Friday, June 11:
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Replay Available:
46. Friday, July 16:
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Replay Available:
48. Friday, Aug 27:
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Replay Available:
45. Friday, June 25:
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Replay Available:
47. Friday, Aug 13:
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Replay Available:
49. Friday, Sept. 3:
What Will You Do Differently
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Google Sites Links Mentioned
CallQ Webinar Responses to Chat
Touch screen will be labelled too
In watch mode you don’t see the cues firing, but it’s a good idea!
Yes, you can pre-order the Mac version
Amber – get in touch re partnering….
We will keep Trainer on both Windows and Mac platforms. Studio will be developed on the Mac first and Windows version will follow.
Andrew - yes, book online ‘Stage Management – The Essential Handbook.’ Latest edition available on Kindle too https://www.nickhernbooks.co.uk/stage-management
We will be giving drama schools and Uni’s discount packages for the full licence after July.
Sabrina – well Hi! Hope life is good with you!
If you can’t get a film of your own productions for CallQ Studio just use CallQ Trainer that comes with 3 shows – more shows to follow once we all get back up and out there!! 😊
The show report notes all mistakes in the cueing sequences.
Overlay will suit most keyboards, but you can move the stickers!
We will look at the option of being able to turn off the standing by responses if required
We will look at the option of being able to cue the show all the way through without correction with the show report picking up on miscues.
The software allows option to print and save the show report
We will offer discount on Studio if Trainer has already been purchased.
In Studio the user sets the thresholds
In Studio you label the cuelights as you wish according to your show operation
Yes, you can edit the number of the cues in Studio.
Yes, you can add in point cues to sequences in Studio
Trainer and Studio allows up to 11 ops/cuelights
Yes, you could view the prompt copy from another monitor as a 2 up PDF file
I indeed have a very tidy desktop, but you should see the folders behind it – 35 years of stage management and lecturing paperwork, and before computers lived with stage management, 20 real folders with actual paperwork and prompt copies I can’t bear to throw away!!